
On the corner of Tory and Cable St in Wellington there is a bit of artwork which has been cut out of some very large pieces of steel plate and left to rust.
I do not know the history of this but it is adjacent to what was the Museum Hotel (now renamed after being sold) which still contains an outstanding selection of art.

When The Boss first set eyes on this, some years ago,  he wanted to photograph it but The Bossess wouldn’t let him lie on the footpath, while she was around anyway, and so it was today on his way back from watching “A Dogs Purpose” …grrreat movie he thought having read the book some time ago, that he felt unrecognisable enough to do it, so here it is…via Photoshop and Lightroom to remove things that displeased him. (People ringing for a wagon with padded insides) 

Personally I blame it on the movie and it’s amazing drone photography of a Golden Retriever, running through a field of wheat and his glasses getting all misted up somehow. 

Pawscipt   I should mention that The "B's" have owned 2 Goldens in the years before Tussock.


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