

Sorry; ghastly blip

Well, today definitely made up for yesterday. Firstly I overslept. I had to drive Colm 60 miles to ork to register for his college course and we had to be there by 9.15. It was pouring . Aedan refused to wear a coat so I had to leave him at the bus stop to catch the school bus in the torrential rain with no shelter. (He later told me he had taken one of those temporary road signs and used it as an umbrella and the bus driver was in fits of laughter). I fed the animals. We made it to Cork only a little late. When I got home I had a phone message that the straw would be delivered this evening. We had ordered for 2 of the neighbours as well . The rain had mercifully stopped. I had classes all evening. Colm came home on the bus and had to walk the mile and a half from the bus stop. Aedan got home from school. He changed and emptied the sand out of the trailer. He drove down to the main road to guide the 2 vehicles with trailers of straw back here. He and Colm stacked the first neighbour's straw, loaded the 2nd neighbour's straw onto our trailer and delivered it. Then had to reload our consignment of about 180 bales to bring it up to our shed. Our trailer only carries 25 bales at a time. I finished work at 8pm. Then we piked all the straw into the loft and stacked it.
It only just fitted
Then we had to load a pig as it was the day we had to take it to the slaughter house. Never a nice prospect. It was about 10 pm. So pig was delivered.
It's now almost midnight and I'm finally eating some dinner. Oh and this is my apology of a blip for today.

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