Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Time Past

One of these days this old barn is going to be taken down and carried away.  I go by periodically and take a picture of what is just a shadow of what it once was.  The rope swing is only a rope now a days.    Fairly nice day until around lunch time when the winds came up like crazy.  Apparently there was a 3.5 earthquake about 12 miles from us close to Whidbey Island.  Our power was out for about 2 hours or so.  Not sure if there was any damage.  some people definitely felt their house shake. 

Not sure if I will get to many journals tonight.  Thanks for the stars for my fishing photo yesterday.  !!!!   haven't read any comments but thanks for those too!   blessings to you all.        I did put one graffiti in the extras.   not even sure what it says.  hope it's nothing bad!!

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