A million irritations this morning, but I managed to get an hour in the garden this afternoon and took it out on the weeds in the veg garden. Which left me with itchy arms, but a less itchy brain. So all good.
This camomile was sowed last year as ground cover. It was bonny enough (and low growing) last year, but this year has just taken off - it is far too tall for where it is, but is so exuberant that the very sight of it calms me, even before I think of making tea out of it.
The bunnies are well, but not liking their new hay. Who knew there were different types of hay? Meanwhile, we are still waiting for Joey to show the obvious sign that he is ready for the chop. We're off to the vet tomorrow, so perhaps that will answer some questions. Must remember to get the kids to tell me the correct words to use in French before they go to school. That's not a question I want to have to charade...
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