
By beckie

step up

Woke up to a load of white stuff this morning, Ty had a Doc's appointment (he has a bit of fluid in his ears from one of the bugs he's had recently... Glad he's not going deaf!)

I remembered to chuck my camera in the car as i wanted to pop in to town before heading home!
We got to town for about 10am and it was still quite quiet, We had a walk through the Abby Gardens and took a few pics of the snow and the Cathedral, but I'm not very impressed with any of them.)
This is from inside a bit of the Cathedral center, Really liked all the different shapes and the curved steps.

We then headed in to town for a hot drink and bite to eat, then mooched round a few shops before the cold got tooo much for us, and we retreated back to the car!!

Back to work and school tomorrow, will be a struggle as we've been off for so long! Eeeek! lol!

Lastly, i would just like to say a quick thank you those of you who commented on yesterdays blip! :o)

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