Back to work, sunshine and a birthday

Needless to point out that I was not too keen on opening my laptop in the morning. I could have done with a few more days without it!
However, it did not look bad at all and I got through everything quickly - although it seemed strange to have that small amount of emails coming in in a week.
Since I felt relaxed and thought I need to work less I went out in the early afternoon to sort dinner and to get ingredients for a cake for Neil's birthday today.
I had a chat with Aldo in the fish shop and then I decided to not stress myself and sat in the sun at Sara's for a coffee. Aldo joined me for a bit, Jim stopped by and it was lovely to catch up with the local community instead of stressing myself with work.
When I got home I threw the cake together, wrapped the presents and got back to my work.
Well - all the relaxed quietness was gone. Apparently most of my emails had been stuck somewhere on the server and decided to only come in at 5 pm ..... Booohooo :(
My so lovely and clean inbox was at 300 plus emails again....
I decided to just file them and have only a quick look and see if they come back to me. I am trying to become smarter in managing my work load. Let's see if it works.
I managed to finish the cake including a lovely thick chocolate ganache icing before Neil came home!
So we had a small birthday celebration and unwrapping of presents before dinner. Dinner was lovely  sea bass filets followed by cake with cream.

The Blip is actually the only photo I took!
The last week the spring has fully kicked in. The trees are green - what a lovely sight.

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