View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Roy the Builder

It was all go today. Hubby woke me up this morning to tell me two lorries were coming up the hill and it was the builders so at last they had come to do my roof. First of all they had to remove some tiles then the ripped off the old felt, replaced the wooden boards then started to put down the new felt. Hammer, hammer, hammer all day long. They had just started taking the tiles off when a very heavy shower of rain came so the has to stop and take shelter, but it dried up and they got going again. While this was going on hubby and I had to remove one of the beds from the back room and put it downstairs to make room for us to take the double bed out of the front room as they are going to replace the ceiling and put it in the back bedroom. I don't why it is but every time we are moving things up or down the stairs I am at the bottom holding all the weight. Being a croft house the stair is very narrow and a lot of twisting and manoeuvring had to be made to get the base of the bed down the stairs but eventually we made it. Then it was getting the base of the double bed round into the back bedroom and a very heavy mattress. All the clothes removed from the wardrobe and it had to be dismantled. This is Roy helping the joiners, although I think it was hindering them as he kept laying his rope down in front of them so that they would throw it.
The weather was dry with heavy showers.

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