Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Someone has been eating MY cake!!

This morning Jeff came over after his night shift to give me a lift into work.

He is staying at ours for the next two nights and so brought a cake.

I put the cake in the fridge as it is covered in white chocolate with a great big chocolate flowery thing on top.

#1boy and #2boy were in when I got home at 7.15pm.
Jeff had arrived.
#3boy had gone to school, come home and was out again at football practice.

I opened the fridge and 'SACRE BLEU'!!
It did not require the little grey cells of an Agatha Christie detective to work out who had been at the cake.

When #3boy came in I asked him if he had enjoyed the cake.
"Yep it's ok. Chocolate with two types of cream, might have some more later.
Is dinner ready? I am just off for a shower"

I rest my case.

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