Stevens Shots

By StevenC44


Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I know, not a great blip today, but the weather was horrible so I couldn't get out anywhere.

Turns out, we had a geography test today, about weather and climate. I got about 30 minutes of revision done at lunch, and then we had the test. I did quite well, but we have the credit one on Wednesday, so I need to get revising for that!

In chemistry, we were getting 'crystals' that we had made last Thursday. We had done this by mixing solutions and then partly evaporating it. Turns out, the bowl that had mine and Bianka's in it had a minuscule crack in it.

Therefore, while everyone else had lovely, big blue crystals in their bowls, we had a few stains where the liquid had leaked out. Why do my experiments never work!?

Have a nice week everyone!

Steven :)

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