
By cowgirl

Bad Touch

So, at 6am I was wide awake! Darn it! Still, the cats were pleased to get their breakfast at the normal time, instead of waiting for us to get up later, as we'd prefer on the weekend.

Pottered about the garden in the morning, then went to the farm. As usual it was like Piccadilly Circus, people in and out. Even Sav arrived on his motorbike.

Whilst I was there I got a text from a friend asking if we would like tickets to see King King that evening in Nottingham. I very much wanted to go, but Sav wasn't bothered. When my friend said it was because her other half didn't feel well, I suggested a girlie night, which she was only too happy about!

The support group were Bad Touch, but they were very much the opposite of bad! Can't wait to see them again at The Ramblin' Man Fair in July.

King King were once again fantastic. We'll be seeing them again in December!

Such a lovely surprise end to the day, but if I'd known, I wouldn't have allowed myself to get up at 6am!

I came home on a high. I was soon brought down to earth by the news that my cousin's husband had passed away just a short while earlier.

He'd been diagnosed with a brain tumour 6 months ago, inoperable and aggressive. They live in Australia and I was looking forward to meeting him later this year... so sad.

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