Beagle's About

(Those of a certain age may remember a television programme, where Jeremy Beadle would play tricks on unsuspecting members of the public.)
I have spent the day visiting a friend who is recovering from an operation. Of course the star  of the day was her beagle.  The most delightful dog imaginable.  The first extra is him playing his favourite game, where my friend puts a couple of treats in a plastic bottle, with the lid just placed on top not screwed on and gives it to him. He has learned that he must first pull the top off, then he throws the bottle around chasing after it, over and over again until the treats fall out.  Hours of fun.  I am tagging him for Wild Wednesday, not for his nature which is anything but, but for the wild way he gets at the treats.  The second extra is a patch of poppies which come up every year.  They are beautiful, all frilly.

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