
By feefifofum

End of an era.

Well today was probably my last day at Quinta, as this time this year I will hopefully have a grown up job or at least be applying for one! Although I was longoing for the end of Friday it was quite sad thinking I'd never have an argument with the strimmer again... All hands on deck today as Forum was parking up and all the students leaving. Spent the morning cleaning toilets and telling off students that can't read, then spent the afternoon dealing with the incredible amount of rubbish left, who says students don't have any money, the stuff thrown away was insane!

Alastair arrived back from SA today, so it was nice to see him when I arrived back from work, even if he was well and truly zonked having not slept on the aeroplane. We had a guest over so we had a BBQ and last time I was disappointed at the lack of marshmallows, so this time I had some to toast :-)

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