Sadly my beloved Panasonic Lumix TZ65 – known as Lou to his friends - passed away peacefully in a Northampton photographic shop. He was only eight years old.
The assistant said that the LED screen had failed and that there was evidence of further internal injuries. I took one last photo of his monitor (see above) then regretfully agreed to the battery being removed and the card being given to another camera. The autopsy is likely to reveal blunt force trauma consistent with a fall, apparently a common occurrence among old cameras with even older owners.
He was a faithful servant, producing over 20,000 high quality, in-focus images (plus a few blurry ones caused by driver error). He lived for photography and had no other pastimes or hobbies. When he wasn’t taking pictures he just switched off.
He is survived by a rather grubby carrying case.
He will be laid to rest in a drawer with all the other cameras I have owned.
No flower Blips please.
Donations should be sent to the The Alan Woodley New Lumix TZ80 fund.
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