Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Love Lili

This morning we went in search of the bluebells (before they all disappear) and found them. Lili doesn't always respond to commands, she didn't want to sit so this is the best I could get. :)

Mum sleepy today, managed to get a couple of kisses before she went back to sleep. She is beginning to develop pressure sores on her bottom, probably inevitable with not being mobile, not eating/drinking well, lost a lot of weight over the past year and sleeping a lot. GP is monitoring (with DNS input).

This afternoon I visited my sister. Her op on Friday went well, leaving her with a big bandage on her foot (she's had a plate put in her big toe). Off sick now for a number of weeks to recover, but the strong pain relief makes her sleepy.

On my return home, I heard a loud screeching from birds and noticed a magpie attacking another younger bird (possibly a starling). Whilst I know there is the life cycle I cannot cope with a defenceless animals being bullied. I rushed indoors, picked up a broom and dustpan and ran at the magpie. The magpie flew off making a racket, the young bird limped away, but I managed to scoop it up in the dustpan and took it into the back garden to recover (away from the magpie!). It has been resting all evening, managed to get onto the ground and half flew across the garden this evening. Im hoping it will have recovered by the morning and flown off.


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