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I've had a lovely 'people' day today! Starting with seeing Jud this morning - we've not met up for ages, so it was good to natter over coffee & wander the streets...also lovely to introduce Nate to a few people whilst wandering round. Then later we hung out with Dave & Liz and a new couple who will (with their 3 kids) be moving to our community in the summer...lovely to have time together - a quick snap as a record in extras.
Then straight back to Caña Club.

Read a lovely blog post today about photography as prayer...it's here if anyone's interested. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Jud making us honeycomb and fudge! Yum!
2) Time with some of the new community...good to start to see how it will all be...
3) Danny getting all sorts of admin tasks done this morning...charity stuff & Nate stuff. He ticked lots off the 'to do' list.  

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