Life Savors

By osuzanna

Monochrome Monday: Intention/Regarde Oblique

I didn’t set the bar very high for myself this morning. My intention was to get outside my comfort zone and take a candid photo of a person, and not a bird or butterfly.  I was meeting a friend for lunch in Bethesda, so I thought I would go early, get some walking in and surely I would easily be able to get my shot.  I was misled by the sunny skies and didn’t take a jacket and it turned out to be quite chilly and cold. I walked around for about an hour and half, feeling very intimidated and reluctant to take any shots, but also not really finding anyone interesting to shoot with intention or otherwise. 

Finally, feeling a bit desperate for a shot and to warm up, I went into large Barnes & Noble bookstore and wandered around a bit. I parked myself on the middle level and watched the escalators and decided that I might try to catch people going up and down and perhaps capture them at the convergence of the escalator lines.  I was fairly visible, so many people saw me and simply turned their heads the other way.  When I got the shots up on the computer, they really couldn’t have been any more uninteresting. (I mean really, what is interesting about people going up and down the escalator?)  I decided to settle on this one and….and oh how I wish it was a better image, but ….je pense qu'il y a un regarde oblique.

Thanks so much SkiMe for your creative hosting of the Monochrome Monday Challenge this month and for pushing me to try something different. 

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