
By kas18


Not much of a photo. I took this on my way out to swim in the local lake. It's the field next to where I live. Nice to come back to pretty colours. Trees more green, flowers blooming and the grass is out of control.
If it wasn't for my qualifier this weekend I wouldn't have gone swimming but needed to. Really cold. I was surprised as I thought I'd notice a difference in temperature to some of the waters I swam in while I was away. I did stay in for 75 mins. I need to increase that to 120 mins by Saturday. It's not the swimming itself that's the problem it's enduring the cold.
We also have a night swim to do in the sea on Saturday. Not too sure I'm going to like that very much. It has to be done as it's likely we will all have a stint in the channel when it's dark.
The things I do!

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