Cat on a Stack

A better day, but still fairly cloudy and less wind.  

Day off today, and up early to enjoy the day.  I had to nip onto Lerwick in the morning, and then back home to walk Sammy.  After lunch, I met mam and sister Julie in town, and then we headed to the Planticrub garden centre for flowers etc.  Me and Sammy went down to Sumburgh Head for a walk later.  A quiet night at home, before heading off to work in the pub.

There wasn't many puffins about when I was out walkies, so we headed off again.  Coming down the hill and a cat ran out in front of the car and climbed up this peat stack.  At first he was sniffing about, maybe looking for mice, but she soon settled on top.  Taken at Grutness, Sumburgh. 

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