The Early Bird Special

My Dear Fellow,

Light mornings have convinced Jasper & Punky that I should be woken up at 5.30am. This message was conveyed to me by a small cat with some sense of urgency this morning.

This picture was not taken at that time. I am in no fit state to operate a camera upon waking. In fact, I have a hard time even with rudimentary speech at that time. "Huuhhh... wuzza... umph..." I may have said. I shan't translate, but you can probably guess that it was not clean.

This picture was taken about an hour later after my shower. The boys were settling down to sleep and SHHH keep it down. Show some consideration, Father!

I had a very quiet Monday. I am now internally debating whether to tell a work story or not. I'm going to land on "not" on this. Trust me, my work days are not interesting enough to take up your time.


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