Rescue me.

Came out of the gym, and walked into the fields. As I came over the bridge, I saw this lady, who feeds the birds at different places around the fields, and I think she does this every day. Her dogs  are  all rescue dogs, and she seems like a lovely lady. I had a few things to buy in town, and I wanted to call into the bank, as I had three old  £5  notes which I needed to change. I had about ten minutes to spare, as I wanted to catch my bus, when I saw Roger walking towards me. I couldn't be rude, and stopped to talk, but I told him I had to dash:-) Had to wait in the queue in the bank, and as there are only ever two women at the desk, it seemed I waited ages. I heard both of them say that the computers had crashed,  but because I only wanted to exchange the notes I was okay. I got to the bus station, and the bus was waiting, thank goodness.  J had cut the lawns while I was out, and we sat out the garden and had our lunch. 

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