The Baptist

An image that seems to have changed little from Byzantium onwards. The raggedy cloak tunic of John (Giovane) the Baptist.

This is outside the little church - founded at the start of the 13th century - in Monteloro. It sits up on a steep-sided knoll and was next to a castle that is long gone.

The church was locked but this image of John the Baptist stands outside in its frame, with plastic flowers. It is a fresco - painted into wet plaster - that was done in 2000 to mark the start of the third millennium of Christianity.

I imagine it must sometimes be hard for Italians to get up in the morning with so much history rubbing on their shoulders.

It was a dreich day with heavier rain. We had a brief meet up with Arclight at a cafe at San Domenico. Such a shame the sun did not shine. Then off on an abortive trip to the Casentino.

Later that night real rain moved in caused by Storm Igor. It hammered it down with some fairly spectacular blasts of thunder.

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