
By spishy

Sitting comfortably?

Back to work today and my little mate, Lottie, was pleased to see me. She has spent quite a large part of the day lying on my feet, under my desk.

This, however, is her look out position. From here she has a clear view down the road.... woe betide any dog or other creature that has the cheek to walk past the house. She goes bonkers, particularly if she's sees Charlie the cat who lives across the road. The one time that Charlie managed to make it in to the house, Lottie showed her true colours and instead of chasing him out, she went and cowered in the corner..... "great big girl's blouse" that she is. All bark and no bite!

I was going to blip with a picture of the lid of my Pritt Stick, but was worried I might be banned from Blip for obscenity. At some point whilst I've been off someone has doodled an image of an... erm... how shall i put it... a male appendage on it!!! Very funny actually.

I'm not one to jump to any rash conclusions but I will say this....

Warning; don't leave your Pritt Stick unattended when there is a 16 year old boy on the premises

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