Every picture tells a...

By Eptas

Pouring again...

...at our favourite beach cafe on another hot and sunny day.

Big bottle

One definition of Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results." There must be at least a dozen insane Indian tailors in Bang Niang who insist on asking me every time that they see me if I want to buy a made-to-measure suit!

We paid a quick visit to Police Boat 813 which was "one of two police boats guarding Khun Phum Jensen, son of former royal Princess Ubol Ratana at the time of the 2004 tsunami. Khun Phum was jet-skiing when the wave struck, and he and the entire crew of one of the police boats (which was sunk) died. This is the other boat, which was swept approximately 2 km inland and has been left where the tsunami deposited it as a memorial and historical landmark." source

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