Drink Don't Drive, Wouldham

I can only really carry on with my project at weekends and it seems to be that Sunday mornings often feature as the best time for making sure of my ongoing commitment to it. The single track concrete road that is central to the project winds, dips and rises through what feels like a very, quiet rural landscape at present but at some point in the past was full of activity and human presence. Now, often all you can hear is birdsong and  the sound of the wind.
Today was slightly different as I encountered a  runner in neon lycra (with music seeping out of her smartphone as she passed) uttering a slightly too loud "HELLO" and a man appearing out of the scrubby tree line to ask "Is that your car?" (it wasn't) before disappearing just as quickly.
Today's extra shots  feature the detritus of a shredded car tyre  and shattered car parts, almost certainly related to the burnt out car from one of my earlier blips.
I'm a massive fan of photography books, or, as they must be called now, photobooks. The latest I've bought is called Terra Nostra by Mimi Mollica (despite the feminine sounding name he's a man) and it is brilliant - a fascinating look into his homeland of Sicily. It's full of dark metaphors and wonderful use of inky blacks and striking, burning Mediterranean light.

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