
By hpx

Papal goodness

Benedict has entertained me today. Maybe not so entertaining when I was sorting and filing house and legal documents, and clearing the spare bed. We got there in the end. Benedict is now sleeping in the paper bag I got him last week. It might be my imagination but he seems to be more hungry here than he was at his old house.

I'd hoped to have a different day today but I felt a bit off-colour for most of it. All good now and a good sleep should see me right.

I have a plan in action for sorting the remaining house issues. My mate Ray from the Men's Shed will come tomorrow and do something for me in preparation for someone else who I hope can come on Friday afternoon. Their job will be to inspect a couple of things that should either give me peace of mind or provide the technical information to take things further.

It will all eventually be good.

This afternoon I had a visit from a dear friend I hadn't seen for a while. It was lovely to show them around my new home and spend time catching up.

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