
By bananablip

A day of success and beauty

Woke up feeling tired and achey from the gym but put my game face on and finally achieved a parkrun PB. Five glorious seconds! For the last two parkruns I've stuck close to this guy who has the most calm and serene gait. My current tactic is to follow him and mimic his serenity. Obviously I look as serene as an elephant chasing a giraffe but whatevs, it did the trick today.

Choir performance in the town square where our little choir of ten had to follow the 50+ members of the Rock Gospel Choir. What we lacked in numbers I'm pretty sure we made up for in smiles and enthusiasm, I hope.

Onto Beth's baby shower where we ate lots of food and generally tried to make our Iranian friend as uncomfortable as possible by talking copiously about vaginas. I'm pretty sure that's what baby showers are all about, although Fati could probably have been spared some of the detail.

This evening I went with Roddy and Lucy to a gig at the beautiful venue of St Alkmunds church. I know Joel, of Tiny Leaves, a little bit but have only just got to know his music. As soon as we sat down and the first track started I realised how stupid it was to invite an expert in music performance to a gig. I spent the first half wondering nervously if Lucy was enjoying it. She was, and I settled more comfortably into the second half. So, so beautiful. I can't really describe the music except to say that it's like beautiful, intricate layers that keep building and adding depth and interest. The kind of music where you just have to close your eyes and let it move you. I could have listened all night. Stunning.

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