I'm Watching You

As there was heavy rain forecast to arrive around 11am I decided to take the dog for a long walk before the downpour.

We saw three little piglets but too far away from the fence to get a decent shot. A beautiful horse and a sweet little pony but the little one wouldn't turn around so ended up with a few distasteful bum shots! A cute little robin perched on a fencepost and a pheasant running around an empty field.

However when we reached the cows they were very interested in Roxy. She growled viciously bravely at them but their curiosity didn't waver. This cow was a lovely grey colour but with the metal fence everything just looked dull so I felt it looked better in B&W.

(Also saw two little nuthatch at the bird feeder this morning. I think that is a first)

Rain doesn't look like starting anytime soon so may go and potter in the garden before making the dough for tonight's pizzas.

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