OK! More Pelicans...shoot me!

I hope everyone is not totally over the Pelicans by now...I just cant help myself....I took at least another 50 shots of them today...we are getting to know each other and they seem to feel a lot more comfortable around me.

The next step is to go to the Fishermans coop to see if I can scrounge some fish heads and guts (UGH!)...if I start to feed them who knows what might happen.

I actually went to the water to try some long exposures...I got inspired by Sleepyheads one the other day....I made a total cock up of it but got rewarded by some curious Peli's.

Really sad to say that I missed some fabulous shots of them all flying off cause I had the ND filter on and all the settings were skew whiff.

On a good note I made my first little time lapse film today.....I was a lot of mucking around for 1 second of film and it was probably the most boring thing one has ever seen but the fact that I did it is exciting....I have some other ideas.

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