Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Couldn't make myself go to the gym this morning, but JR had a good long session. I popped to the doctor - I'm constantly stiff and sore, and I can't blame my knees for all of it. Had some blood tests, so we'll see what they say.

We had an appointment with the solicitor to sign a couple of important documents, and then we took Archie to the nearby Braidburn Valley Park, which was looking wonderful. The blossom is still out in the park, and the avenues of trees, some really old, and some quite new, were at their best. We read on a notice that they were planted in 1935 by Girl Guides, apparently in the shape of their emblem.

While we have glorious sunshine, that wind is still freezing cold! Mind you, it doesn't seem to stop people wandering around in tee shirts and shorts! Strange. It's 10° warmer on the west coast. Maybe we should have stayed over there for another few days...

PS Look what happened three years ago today...

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