
A Chronology;
Peny, James, Joshua and I up showered and dressed in our 'tribal' colours, Navy for me and Army for everybody else.
A cup off coffee before taking a taxi to Woking where we meet George and Keely.
Rail tickets purchased then to Poppins for a full English with more coffee.
Woking station for the fast train to Clapham, already the crowds are building
Standing all the way to Clapham with our first beer enjoying the inter-service banter Joshua started to feel the excitement.
Clapham and the station is packed with people, thousands in red or blue, all happy, most drinking.
More beer and the scrum to get onto the train, H&S out of the window as the carriages are filled to 50% more than you'd have thought possible.
The good natured banter continued on the fast service to Twickenham, on arrival over the bridge, down to the lights and in to the Albany car park.
More beer and now we begin to catch up with old friends and comrades, some not seen for twenty years or more. Joshua is enjoying himself, meeting his Dads friends, having a beer and taking in his surroundings.
Gemma, Collette Paul and his friends arrive, more beer, more varieties, more Army shirts and I'm still the lone Navy supporter among the group.
Gary and Manolo arrive, more beers, a cheese roll or two and soon it's time to set off for the stadium. Even the walk there is good fun, hot & sunny, plenty of good natured banter and not a few ticket touts.
On arrival we have good seats in the north east corner, I bag myself an end of row aisle seat and get the beers.
Josh is taken aback with the National Anthem, sung by 82,000 Serving Personel, Veterans and their families it by far exceeds the volume of a normal Twickenham crowd.
The match is its normal eighty minutes of controlled violence with each team receiving the loud, enthusiastic support of their section of the crowd.
The Army win 29-22 but most of those inside the stadium don't really care.
Our group exits to the commemorative stone with Gary's, mine and our Dads name set in the stadium concourse and engraved there for years to come.
Back to the Albany car park for more beer, by now my back teeth are almost floating but it's still hot and sunny.
The return journey to Woking is completed with yet more beer and in good humour, in my Navy shirt I cut a lonely figure amongst the sea of Army red - but it's not the first time.
A 'cheeky' Nando's with yet more beer rounds off the day before heading back to Penny & James for a nights sleep.
Joshua thoroughly enjoyed his first Army v Navy Day, next year he will be a serving soldier!!

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