Voting day

Munchie had the day off school as it was closed due to voting

This has completely thrown us.

Munchie came swimming with us, she was great sitting watching, but know she was quite anxious about it as she sat and chewed her sleeve the whole time. It was dripping wet when we had finished. Wom was tired, he grumped through the whole lesson.

From here we went to Little Owls farm park. I thought it would be quite quiet! How wrong we were. It was heaving. Turns out lots of schools the other side to us were also closed for voting.

We had fun. Soft play. Goats pigs sheep lambs deer owls tractors bouncy pillows sand lunch ice cream

Munchie went home in auntie Sarah's car. Wom was very excited as I let him come Into the front - mummy I can see loads!

Two very tired grumpy children
Lots of tears
Both asleep by 6:45

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