
My Dear Fellow,

Another very quiet day today. The most notable thing was that I bumped into The Office Moaner by the snack machine.

I was getting crisps because I was bored. I figured that eating a packet of Salt & Vinegar would be good for 10 minutes. Unfortunately, I saw MoanyPants right there as well.

You know the sort of person I mean? The sort of person who, whenever you greet them, shrugs their shoulders and sighs at you. And when you say "morning" to them, they reply with a "least it's Friday" or "Monday again" or what have you.

Not that I'm against moaning. I've been known to partake myself. But it's not ALL the time and anyway MY complaints are valid and justified and peppered with funny rude words. Toolspank, airse and any number of words that end in "flaps" for example. But MoanyPants just wanted to settle in for a good old whine and I felt my spirits sink.

Fortunately for me, she got distracted by someone else so I grabbed my crisps and ran for it. There is nothing dignified about me these days. I'm quite open about sprinting for safety now that I've only got 3 months left in the office.

MANAGER: Oh by the way, did you finish...?
MANAGER: Damn! Missed him again.

I am like Linford Christie with a spreadsheet.

Oh, also I listened to "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Live". The team discovered that their buzzers had the wrong names on them and Willie was sitting at Clement Freud's desk. Humph referred to him as "Clement" and he replied, "No it isn't, it's bloody p1ssing down outside."

And as I looked up from that joke, my tram rounded a corner onto Princes Street and I grabbed my blip of the day. That may have been as productive as I got all day.

Oh well, least it's Friday tomorrow...


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