
Today's the day ........................ to adapt

It's a well-known fact that Rhododendrons and azaleas do well in acid (pH 5.5 or so), well-drained soil with lots of organic matter, such as peat, compost, chopped leaves, or ground bark. They won't grow in heavy clay, pure sand, or alkaline soil.   They have shallow fine hair-like roots which will not tolerate water-saturated soil conditions. 

So, considering that our soil is alkaline and our annual rainfall is heavy, you wouldn't think that any self-respecting rhododendron would willingly choose to grow here.  This one, though, is flourishing magnificently.  It seems to have forgotten its roots - and embraced our light, limey soil.  It soaks up our heavy rainfall without complaint. 

It requires no maintenance whatsoever and -  in short - it's welcome here any time .......................... 

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