May Macro : : Weed

Ozzie and I went for an early morning walk without having coffee in order to beat the heat. 

 When I said "good morning" to a woman on the trail feeding a steady stream of treats to her dog, she ignored me. I figured she was concentrating on her dog. training. When I stumbled on a round rock, staggered around and finally caught my balance and she continued to ignore  me, I thought maybe skipping coffee made me invisible.

When I got  all geared up to go to the dentist and the receptionist looked at me and said, "May I help you?"  I knew I'd screwed up. My appointment is Thursday.  

I went home and had a coffee. Then just in case it wasn't the lack of coffee and I was still invisible I decided to stay home and clean the closet  What I actually did was to put two things in a bag for the Redwood Gospel Mission, which takes just about anything we don't want anymore, transferred two things to a shelf in another room, and made a small pile of things for Dana to look at. I didn't even touch the sweaters because it is to hot to contemplate....

I wrote an email to someone who enquired about our 'bird spa" fountain, trying to explain its evolution from something we hated to something we enjoy, and then went outside in the heat of the day to try to make a small trench filled with a combination of small rocks and bigger rocks look like a Zen garden, since we have discovered we can't plant anything  in what amounts to a French Drain. That should take care of the Cloak of Invisibility....

Before I came inside, I noticed the small bright purple flower growing up in the middle of a particularly spiky patch of agaves. I like the contrasts of light and shadow, positive and negative space and patterns in the resulting shot and offer it up for Tiny Tuesday. Thanks to JDO for taking over as host for May.

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