Porthcawls Got Talent!

Tuesday's have taken on a different slant lately, as J goes to the hobby shop, where a lot of "modellers" meet for a coffee & a chat. Sounds good to me, as I can have a browse around the town, although that doesn't take very long. I took the usual seaside shots, but just as I was walking back up the main street, for the umpteenth time, I heard music. They were rather good, in a Nina & Fredrick kind of way. showing my age here  I gave them some dosh, and asked if I could take their photo (J would have  been pleased about that) I didn't notice, until I downloaded the photos ,that they had a little dog in his basket, just behind where she was standing. J then phoned me , and we came home. This afternoon, J has made a chicken & ham pie, which is in the oven right now, and it smells divine.   I can't wait to sample it a bit later!

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