Pixel H

By PixelH

Seed shadows

Another effort to make use of the last days of freedom and to regain some form of fitmness, with a walk around Gore Glen.

Took some inspiration to try something a bit different.

My new years resolution is to not give anything up, just to start being a bit more creative with what I do have. Macro lenses and all the other paraphanalia are expensive but creativity is a state of mind.

This dried seed head was gathered from the walk, and although it provided an interesting subject in itself I loved the shadows it created when I shone a torch with the brightness of one million candles at it, against a backdrop of a sheet of white paper.

All very high tech stuff.....

Good luck to all of you having to return back to work tomorrow. Rubbish. But then I have been off for the past 3 weeks.....

Uploaded previous picks from new year starting from New Years eve.

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