Bella Luce.

By Rebbbb

I have another box with this design. So that's one for make up and another for all my hair products. Massive boxes. But I love the design on the outside. Partly because it's my favourite colour, and more because I like feathers. They have such delicate features.

Been working all weekend, and it's a little bit of a shock for me to get a longer lie to 7am tomorrow instead of my standard 4.30am. Bliss. College tomorrow. Back to reality I suppose. On the plus side I have all weekend off this week coming (night out on the razz in town I'm thinking? Plan. Not had a proper night out that ends with me having a consistant 3 day hangover since February. Gad I need a life! 18 years old and a workaholic. Not good!) and my amazing sister is home from camp on tuesday at 7am. So I won't be seeing her until tuesday night due to college. Boo.

Photoshoot with D tomorrow. This should be good! It's one where she is my model in black and white, and she's going to look as strong as possible to show how she can overcome her insecurities. (Which shall be written all over her body.)



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