Journeys End

Out on the hard pavements of the division today - 7 hours, 600+ envelopes delivered, several conversations had. 32,000 steps, swollen ankles. I don't think I'm made for concrete walking.
At the Station Cottages I'd planned to call it a day. As a dedicated blipper i always have some sort of camera with me, but by 17.00 hrs Id seen nothing that took my interest - i thought the station, the tracks or maybe the woodland nearby would offer something, something metaphorical for this journey I've travelled - the end of the line now coming into sight.

But on the classic little railway platform bridge my phone reconnected to the world - and I got the expected, inevitable but oh so cruel news that my climbing friend Les had slipped away, far too young at 63, a bright light gone from our world but far more sparkle added to the heavens.
Im pretty sure that I was the first person to take Les climbing when he moved home to the North - and he was my first coaching client - and quickly a firm friendship evolved - climbers often talk of the ties that literally bind - but Les was as fun to know off the rope as he was on. I can't really believe its only six months since I bumped into him striding purposefully through Manchester Airport adventure firmly in mind - but I'm glad its that image that stands clearest tonight.
I'd hoped we'd wander and wonder in the Lake District together one more time - but it wasnt to be, i can only hope that such a fast decline was really a blessing. When this election journey is over I'll take my memories of a good man with me intothehills and have a day in honour of him, something i know he'd certainly raise a smile for.
RIP Les Williams, climb well my friend.

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