horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

I Adder at Snake

The trip to Hopes, having taken my birthday off work, and got a document crossed off my to-do list having failed completely over the weekend to look at it, was intended to find some mountain hares, and an outside chance of seeing, or at least hearing, returning cuckoos. Both those targets remained resolutely hidden, but heading up one rise Mel suddenly declared there was an adder in our path.

It was slithering quickly away from our approaching footsteps, so I only managed to rattle off a few shots, but it was such a beautiful creature, shimmering black in the sunlight (seems this is a rather more unusual very dark colouring).

We managed to find a spot slightly out of the wind to feast on the cheese and bread we'd taken with us, before winding our way back to the little old Mini to carry us home (via the beer shop).

41. Who'd have thunk it? 

Presents? Well apart from discovering a tick on my chest... Last night's whisky, obviously; a self-build bamboo bike frame; some 'Electric' gin; and a new nightvision wildlife cam. Good stuff.

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