Bank Holiday Blue

Sometimes I forget I'm in Italy. Or maybe the two worlds get closer. Old and new homes.

After early sun the clouds pushed in from the north west and it made a good impression of a wet Sunday afternoon in Edinburgh. I tried to get the hoover here to work but the bags don't fit and its a bit past it. I fiddled with the car AC which at least now comes on intermittently.

And I finished reading Francis Wheen's brilliant, witty, touching, compassionate and critical biography of Karl Marx. It is a remarkable story shorn of all the retrospective Marxism and twentieth century hopes and nightmares.

The Boss isn't back til Thursday. M is safely back in Sheffield and having a few days off the Via Chiantigiana. Its a bloody bank holiday and the dogs are barking.

Photo is off the Santuario della Madonna del Sasso at about 500m alt. The hill behind goes up to 900m alt. We were walking there two days ago.

Can't always be sunny, eh, even in bloody Tuscany.

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