Madonna del Sasso

A calmer day. A trip to Sieci to restock and then a walk up the hill. And stroll out as the sun sank to Orlando's up the road.

On the way we passed the Sagra del Cinghiale (festival of the wild boar) of Monteloro - a big nosh up at remarkable prices put on by the local community. It goes on for seven nights and people come from all over to see friends and help each other out. I'll be going later in the week.

Oralando's was excellent. Crostini and sott'oli (little toasts with delicate and robust toppings and onions, artichokes and mushrooms preserved in olive oil from an artisan place in Impruneta). One of the crostini had a delicious mix of parsely, capers, garlic and olive oil that was truly superb - so simple and yet slightly other wordly.

The 'primi piatto' of pappardelle I had - alla Casareccio (homemade) I think - had large pieces of stewed beef with it. It seemed a real winter dish and went well with the chill of these strange - we've seen nothing like it for years - late April evenings.

M had the pici - large fat short runs of a meeting place between spaghetti and maccheroni. And then a delcious looking torta with a dark chocolate topping. And then Vin Santo and cantucci (those little humped biscuits with the roast almonds). And then 'un Grappeto' - the one aged in Sherry barrels (di barica) and an espresso.  With a litre of the local wine.  For €54.

We walked home in the dark, dodging the cars leaving the Sagra.

Another excellent day.

The photo is of an oak tree on the last section of the beautifully waymarked paths above the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso.

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