On my lead!

I've been on my lead a lot today...............................and I haven't even done anything naughty?!

At 7am I went for a walk along the lane. I'm always off my lead along the lane and guess what I spotted in the field? All the llamas and they'd had babies. They were ever so cute. I wanted to go chasing so I tried to squeeze myself under the fence to get into their field.............................but I was too fat!

So, we continued walking along the lane when all of a sudden Ann said, 'Molly come here'. She put me on my lead and I just couldn't understand why because I hadn't done anything naughty and there wasn't any cars coming. Then I saw what Ann had already seen - a llama that had escaped out of the field. I walked sensibly past it and then it ran back into its field.

This morning I had to guard the house for a few hours and when Ann came home she said we were going to Angela's for lunch. She said I was going to meet people that I had never met before and I had to be on my very best behaviour.

Angela has a fantastic garden......................................and she also has a cat.

When we got to Angela's I got tied to a tree with my long training lead that I used when I was a puppy. Again I hadn't done anything naughty. However Ann said I couldn't be trusted not to go swimming in Angela's pond and if I did that I would disturb all the fish. She also didn't trust me not to go chasing if I saw the cat.

On the plus side - Angela's friends, who I'd never met before - thought I was very pretty and very well behaved.

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