Cat's life

Today I went to collect my new kitchen table with Vegan Jo's husband ( VJH)! Had a quick cup of tea and a chat whilst playing with Kess and then we were off! The table went into his car no problem - but not so easily into my house! Not a millimeter to spare and with some scraping of paintwork we got it in! After an espresso to celebrate a job well done we went back to theirs as youngest was heading into Plymouth with a friend and catching the train from calstock. So Youngest, VJH and Kess got into my car and after dropping him at his friends we went back to mine to dismantle the old table! Poor Kess was spooked by the chaos in my kitchen! Things were not where they should be and  his back end went down and his front end up and then he scampered into the conservatory! The old tables screws came out easily - which I should have anticipated as I had put it together many years ago and so the screws were not tight! So another celebratory espresso and then they set off home - good long walk for them both!
The rest of the day was spent hoovering, washing, dusting, tidying! Vegan Jo called late afternoon just as I was finishing - which was good as I was getting a bit manic! She loved my new table and was amazed at my Resources Room which is now a room not a store room! We had a lovely catch up - we spoke of our Friend and how it still felt incomprehensible that she was gone - but we are slowly coming to terms with the reality and loss.
I found more cleaning to do before it was time for chicken bedtime - covering for another coop member but at least he is doing mine tomorrow as a swap! As i arrived home I spotted vegan jo's son and his friend walking up the road on his return from plymouth. Thinking he was walking home I stopped to offer him a lift - much debate between him and his friend as to what he should do. He was supposed to be having a sleepover but obviously just wanted to go home but felt bad about doing so. He finally made up his mind and I took him home - much to his dads surprise on seeing him and me again so soon! 
 It's the Cornish blipmeet tomorrow organised by hildarose - hence my major push to get my house in order as they are coming back to mine for a cream tea! In all my activity I omitted to mention this so hope other Cornish blippers were aware who may have wanted to come! I am backblipping so the blipmeet has already come and gone! 
Milkshake was the only photographs I took in all my activity - she blissfully lounged around all day!

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