Wasp's nest...

Luckily it turned out to be an old one. Henry and I spent an hour this afternoon in the loft, hoovering the cobwebs away, so that we could sort a bit, without that horrible feeling when you put your face into a web. That was when we found this nest. It was so white, I thought it might be new. To be sure, I sent Henry down to get Jon, who ironically was in the garage building another super for his hive. He said it was old and took it away.

That was the afternoon, but this morning while they were at archery I sat and made a pile of cards under my 'Cards with Charm' banner. I put each one in its own cellophane card bag, and sealed it with a label stating it's 'blank for your own message'. I'm pleased with the small pile of 11 cards. I need to find an outlet for them, but will make more before I do. Anyway, it was productive.

After cooking a roast, I had a nice bath then a couple of hours tv. Nice to have another day at home tomorrow but I don't think it's going to be gardening weather. More card making perhaps?

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