Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Moving down the highways ....

Today was Open Monument day, and (amongst others) the local Trappist brewery opened its (inner) doors to the public.

I took part in an hour-long tour around the gardens. Our guide, an affable, informative Brother, told us a lot about the history of the brewery itself and the grounds within the Monestry from inception to the current day.

It was a very peaceful and tranquil place, and I'm glad I went. This lane in particular caught my eye.

I shall say no more, except to quote the following taken from the memorial sculpture:

'Monniken zijn als bomen die 's-nachts in stilte bestaan en ervor zorgen dat wij weer zuivere lucht kunnen ademen'

'Monks are like trees who exist in silence at night, and therefore ensure that we can breathe clean air again'

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