Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

And into the light

The video produced by the grout manufacturers that demonstrates how to use it shows one professional applying it and three mates following on behind cleaning up after him. Three! Wrong equipment my arse!

Anyway, we did it and it looks great. Just as we were finishing up the hardware shop rang to say the courier had arrived with the spare grout. I dashed in to collect it despite the fact that we don't need it. One day we will be brave enough to confess that the amount supplied in the first place was sufficient after all but not today, not when everybody has pulled out all the stops to assist us in our panic. And anyway, we still have 3.78sqm of spare tiles to think of a good use for.

I will blip the pool when the grey (non-epoxy) grout at the top has been done.
In case you missed it

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