Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Not like Magaluf...

We've spent a week in Mallorca; Palma to be exact.  Never been to the island before, as I've resisted every attempt to get me to the land of promiscuity, binge drinking, debauchery and nudity.  Now I've reached an age where it doesn't make a lot of difference either way I decided to see what it was like, though just to be safe I took my carer with me.

We like City breaks and found Palma to be a beautiful location.  The place is clean, the food delectable and the streets safe to walk at night.  Unlike most UK big city streets Palma has hundreds of independent retailers offering variety and unique choices. And lots of temptation!  MrsDB was particularly taken by the number of shoe shops - she tells me our English choices are diminishing  - and therefore she should invest while she has the opportunity here in Palma.  OK, I fell for it.

Today's picture is the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, a spectacular sight and rich in history.  It has one of the largest Stained Glass Windows in the World. 

The story of Le Seu - the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Palma begins in 1229 when King James I and his men sailed to Mallorca to defeat
the Moors who were ruling the island.  According to legend, the invasion fleet was caught in a violent storm, and the young king prayed to God, promising that should they arrive safely and successfully conquer the Moors, he would build a temple dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Home tomorrow and I'll try and catch up with all you comments and postings.

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