Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Third time!

No gym for me today. For I was to get my exercise going into town for a third time this week!! This is a world record. The trousers that I got the other day, I decided, weren't suitable, and anyway, I didn't need them, even if they were in a sale. So I returned them today. I'm not a good shopper.

I walked all the way along Princes Street to do my five yearly visit to the lingerie department in Marks and Spencer's. I still had my trial shoes on, but by this time they were causing me some discomfort, unfortunately. I had walked a total of 5,787 steps in them over two days, and had to take them off as soon as I got home. I'll put them away for another year and then try again.

There seemed to be plenty of protests of all sorts going on in town. There was a huge crowd outside the galleries and many different posters and banners and groups. The biggest group had a huge banner, but they were standing in front of it singing, so I had no idea what that was about. I spotted this wee lady on the other side (used my handy zoom) with no supporters. I would have joined her, but my bus app told me my bus was due, and that's like catnip to me - I just drop everything and run!

JR went to the gym, but also did a housework workout, then cleaned the car, then went for plants and planted them. Feeling guilty, I mowed the lawns, then flopped down with a beer and crisps and listened to my audio book (in between snoozes).

It was good to get jobs done while Archie was out with his favourite person (Elizabeth).

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