Northumberland Day 2...

Woke up to the disappointing news that our booked sailing out to the puffins on the Farne Islands (see extras - so near yet so far) was cancelled due to poor weather conditions.   We'll try again tomorrow, but not much hope then either apparently.  I have to see the puffins. It's a lifelong dream... Drove to the Holy Island of Lindesfarne, over a very scary causeway.  We went in the 'safe time', but the tide was washing over some of the road, and when I opened the window to take a photo, a gust of wind blew the north sea straight into the car, splattering me, mum, and the car's interior.  We turned straight around and went back to the mainland without walking around.  We were too scared in case it got worse... We'll try another day.
BUT, we then drove on to Hadrian's Wall instead of puffins and Holy Island.  I always wanted to go and it is magnificent! We went to Housesteads Roman Fort, then walked along the wall.  The weather changed every three minutes or so. Now I know why they say you should always be prepared for anything when you go out walking in this area! Unbelievably quick changes from warm, sunny, blue sky, sunburn weather to gale force hail/sleet blizzards in the blink of an eye... :-)

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