
By PaulaJ

Not quiet on a Sunday!

L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is a quiet little town on the river Sorgue. With a river that flows gently and lots of shady trees, it is a charming place.

But . . .
. . . on Sunday morning its peaceful roads are invaded by stallholders for one of the largest markets around. There doesn't seem to be anything you can't buy here, but it does take a bit of time jostling with the crowds that throng the town.

However, one of the biggest attractions is the 'brocante' village that takes over the quayside. Dealers sell (or try to sell) everything you can imagine. Every time we come here, we realise that we could just about fill a stall with all the junk antiques we have in our house. Gordon was amazed today to find 'his' watering can selling for 40Euro.
Look large to see the yellow aeroplane!

Here is a picture of the man who sold Gordon some cheese. He paid a fortune, but it will be good. Well, the man said so didn't he! And we always fall for it, so why should today be any different.

I'm not sure whether the two armchairs were for sale, or for the proprietor to sit on!

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